Stop Dog Bites

Effective Methods To Stop Dog Bites

There are a variety of training methods that the savvy dog owner can use in order to stop dog bites in the home. The key is to figure out why your dog is biting in the first place. Puppies that bite while playing are testing dominance.

If the dog gets what he wants from biting he will keep doing it. You must establish your dominance in order to stop dog bites from continuing to happen.

Keep Behavior Consistent

When training your dog not to bite keep your behavior consistent. Make sure every member of the family, including children, follows the same guidelines. For example laughing because a puppy’s biting is cute may backfire once the bites begin to hurt. In order to stop dog bites you need to train your pet early on.

Simple Deterrents

To stop dog bites you must communicate with your dog in a way he will understand. If he bites you, make a growl like sound and then avoid the dog for a while.

If the dog grips your hand between his teeth without clenching too hard, you might try placing his jaw between your thumb and forefinger for a few seconds. Non poisonous repellents can also deter a dog from biting your hand. Make sure to notice the times the dog doesn’t bite and reward his good behavior.

Establishing Dominance

When a dog is trying to establish dominance you must show him that you are in control. Follow through on every order before giving him what he wants. For instance when feeding, have the dog sit and wait before setting the bowl down in front of him.

Establish certain times for feeding and going for a walk and stick to those times. The dog must know that in order to get what he wants he must follow your rules.

Over Excited

If the dog gets carried away and bites when playing then you must make sure that the games you play with your dog don’t involve contact that is over stimulating. Avoid wrestling or tug of war games that may trigger the dog’s inclination to bite.

When the dog retrieves, have him sit first then drop the item before you pick it up to throw. If the dog gets too excited try ignoring him for a bit. Being physically aggressive with a dog may only encourage more dog biting in the future.


In order to stop dog bites from dogs that are too territorial try designating specific areas the dog may stay.

Again show your dominance in order to force your dog to comply. If the dog is showing aggressive behavior when an object or room is used by another person or animal then you must deny the dog access until the behavior stops.


Punishing the dog for responding in fear will not effectively stop dog bites from him in the future, in fact it could make the situation worse. If the dog gets nervous easily from new people or settings then a more gradual change is called for.

Talk soothingly and reward passive behavior when introducing the dog to any kind of change that causes stress. The dog may need to be muzzled until he is completely comfortable with the new situation.