Dog Aggression & Its Effects

Having a dog at home can be a source of great joy as well as relaxation. There is nothing better than to loll out in your garden with your dog or go for jogging in the park with your dog. It is also true that your dog should be well behaved in order to be able to indulge in these simple pleasures of life. There are some instances, however, where dogs can display a great deal of dog aggression, which implies that the dog is showing overbearing and violent nature which is not quite acceptable or natural too. This kind of behavior of the dog could be directed at other dogs, humans or even objects at home or outside. Dogs do have a mind of their own and if they decide to be very aggressive, the situation can get ugly for the owner.

It is a fact that some amount of dog aggression is common and can be expected in dogs. Dogs like to protect their own territory or turf, and if anyone violates this, they can get aggravated and aggressive. This is true especially if another dog dares to occupy the territory that they consider their own. In some cases, dogs may become aggressive in pure self defense, especially when they are attacked by another dog or a human. This is well justified as such a response is necessary for self preservation and protection of one’s turf. Such behavior is programmed into the DNA of most dogs, unless the dog is so cowardly as to be pushed around by others.

The problem occurs when the level or nature of the dog aggression becomes out of bounds. This occurs when the dog does not tolerate anyone and is prone to attacking anyone and everyone. Such unbridled aggression is raw and unwanted, which has to be checked. There are some types of dogs like terriers, hounds or bull breeds that have a greater pre-disposition for being aggressive, especially during youth. However, even in these dogs, there are certain limits that should not be crossed and some behaviors that have to be checked. Dogs that attack and bite kids and adults should be treated appropriately.

Dog aggression could also be a function of some hormonal imbalances that could occur in dogs. These are medical reasons which need to be treated with proper medication and a visit to the vet. There are also a number of websites that you could visit to get more information on this.