Prevent Rottweiler Dog Bites

When it comes to dog bites, rottweiler dog bites are among the most dangerous. This is not necessarily because they bite more often than other dogs, but because their bites have more potential to maim or kill.

A grown rottweiler can weigh anywhere from 90 to 130 pounds. In addition, these dogs are exceptionally strong, with very powerful jaws.

According to an estimate in one dog magazine, they have the potential to bite with a force of as much as 2,400 pounds per square inch. This has led to a bad reputation for the breed. However, they are generally good-natured, devoted, and intelligent.

With proper training, rottweiler dog bites can be avoided.

Teach Rottweiler Puppies Not to Bite

All puppies like to chew things, but rottweiler puppies are exceptionally mouthy. They must be taught that it is never acceptable to bite a human being, even in play. Every time your puppy bites you, firmly tell him “No.”

If he does not obey, grab him by the collar and repeat the command. If he still does not listen, it is okay to tap him on the head with a rolled-up newspaper. Alternatively, you could put him away in a crate every time he bites.

This can be very effective at preventing rottweiler dog bites, because rottweilers love attention. However, once he stops the biting, be sure to give him lots of love and approval, so he knows that you still care about him.

Establish Dominance

Dogs are pack animals, and all dog packs have a leader. Rottweiler dog bites are more likely to occur if your dog thinks of himself as the alpha than if you are the head of the pack. It is essential that you establish this as soon as you receive your dog.

There are many ways to do this, but it is important not to make your dog afraid of you. Instead, be confident, firm, and fair. Some things you can do to show your dog that you are the boss include the following:

•Always walk in front of your dog, never behind him or to the side.

•Teach him to sit, and make sure that he does it before he is allowed to play, eat, or go for a walk.

•When you take him for a walk, keep him on a leash and rein him in firmly when he strays, growls, or attempts to attack.

•Eat before you allow him to eat. In the wild, the alpha dog always eats before the others.

•Never allow your dog to sleep with you. Doing so puts him on an equal plane, which makes establishing dominance difficult.

Socialize Your Dog 

Many rottweiler dog bites are the result of unfamiliar people or situations. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly socialize your rottweiler.

Ideally, this process should be begun when he is under six months of age. At that point, give him lots of attention and gradually introduce him to new people, animals, and situations. Do not stop there, however.

When he is an adolescent, at around six months to three years of age, he will become quite awkward. Continue socializing him by taking him on walks to as many places as possible.

Keep Your Rottweiler Contained

Rottweilers are highly territorial dogs, and many rottweiler dog bites are caused by them protecting that territory. For that reason, rottweilers should be kept in a fenced in yard, and people should be warned never to go into the yard unannounced.

However, it is not a good idea to keep a rottweiler on a chain. This can make them aggressive and confrontational.