Basic on How To Train a Dog or Puppy

I want to give your some basics on how to train a dog or a puppy. It does not really make much of difference as to what kind of dog it is, which breed and what his behaviors are.

In order to give a proper training you have to follow certain positive methods. 

You have to study the psychology of your dog. Since you are it’s master, it is natural that it will react to you more than any other person in your house. So try to understand its behavior and then teach him the first instance the habit of urinating in the proper place. 

If you have a puppy, you will find that she is absolutely dependent on you. It is your duty to get it used to your domesticated life. You play a very important part in bringing up this dog. You are absolute responsible for shaping the behavior, character and all good habits of the puppy. 

When learning how to train a dog or a puppy, realize that appreciation is a very important part in the lives of the young as well as old dogs. Whenever he or she does anything right just praise your pet by patting it. Then your dog will understand that it has done the correct thing. 

Never lose your patience or show your anger on your pet without reason. After all, your animal need to be given extra time to make her understand what is right or wrong. 

Be flexible in your attitude. Same rules do not always work. So change your methods of training and see how your puppy reacts. 

Be fair and understanding towards your pet dog. Whatever you try to teach him, it is new for him. So do not expect him to behave correctly at the very start. He needs time to learn. So do not scold your pet if he commits some mistakes. 

Give a lot of time when your pet is in its puppyhood. Like human beings it is an impressionable age for a puppy. So if you are understanding and patient, you surely master the methods of how to train a dog.