Rottweiler Biting

Rottweiler Biting Does Not Have to Be Normal

Rottweiler biting seems to be discussed in the media almost every week. By nature Rottweilers are very protective and can be aggressive when they feel threatened.  A Rottweiler can be trained not to bite if you work consistently with the dog from an early age.

Rottweilers are very intelligent and want to please their owners more than anything else. As an owner, you have the opportunity to reduce the possibility of your Rottweiler biting you, your family, friends, or strangers who come into your home.

Training Must Start Early

Rottweiler biting is the dog’s instinctive reaction to certain situations. It is important to begin teaching your Rottweiler not to bite as soon as you bring it home.

Puppies are particularly receptive to training. Don’t tolerate biting or nipping from your Rottweiler even during playful sessions. The best way to prevent Rottweiler biting is to make the dog understand that biting is not acceptable in any fashion or at any time.

If a dog is properly socialized from the day it comes into your home it will never develop the habit of biting other animals or people.

Be Aware of Aggressive Play Habits

Some forms of Rottweiler biting have nothing to do with aggression or fear, but are simply the dog trying to play with the people and animals in your home. Watch the way your puppy plays from the day it enters your home.

If there is too much nipping or use of the teeth, guide your dog toward more acceptable forms of playing. It can be cute when a small puppy grabs something with his teeth and pulls it along the floor, but it is another matter entirely when a large, fully grown Rottweiler playfully knocks a child down and uses its teeth to play tug the child across the floor.

Protect Your Rottweiler From Provocation

Many of the Rottweiler biting incidents occur when someone who does not understand dogs approaches the Rottweiler in a manner that seems threatening to the dog. You can protect your dog from unintentional provocation by strangers and children by keeping him or her separated from others with a fence or a long leash.

Loud, active children can especially agitate a Rottweiler and provoke it to biting behaviors. If there is a protective barrier between your dog and the outside world you will reduce the possibility of a Rottweiler biting someone accidentally.

Reduce Fear and Anxiety

Rottweiler biting can also be caused by a dog’s fear or a high level of anxiety. Make sure your dog feels comfortable and confident with his or her role within the family structure.

If you clearly maintain alpha dog status, your dog will never worry that he or she is responsible for taking charge in any situation. This comfort allows the dog to play and behave properly because they are sure of themselves.

Rottweilers are large and imposing dogs, which means you will need to establish your dominance early in the relationship so that it remains constant throughout your life with the dog. If Rottweiler biting seems to be linked to certain sounds or triggers that the dog is afraid of, you can work with your dog to relieve the stress and teach him or her that the situation is perfectly safe.